Since 2011, we meet up each year in Ibiza for a Pole Camp to relax, unwind and train together !

These Camps are organised by local people leaving, teaching and performing on the island.
They were made for a group of studios to bring their students on vacations. Now we are open to any who wishes to join a unique experience.

For our upcoming Pole Camp, we are preparing a fantastic programme where your trainers are performing artists from the island and abroad who are known for their unique and creative shows in the best clubs.

Beside the regular Pole Tricks & Combo workshop, we are always trying to combine different disciplines that complete your pole journey, such as Burlesque Chair Dance, Exotic Low Flow, Polesque and Acro-yoga as well as a few meditation, massage and relaxation sessions. Read the description of each camp to know which surprise class we booked for you.

We bring a great artist photographer @Oliver.Marquardt  for following us around and the photoshoot, so you can bring amazing pictures back home.

As added activities, we are taking you outdoor for hiking in the mountains, the forests and discovering secret beaches.

No matter if  you’ve already been in Ibiza or not, let yourself be amazed with a side of the island that most tourists never discover.

On the famous Island of Ibiza, you will learn new pole skills, meet new pole sisters but also spend time on the beach and partying – if you want to.




See the video trailer from one of our previous camps on our Facebook page!